Tag: Environment

​Kurang mobil, sampah bertebaran di Jakarta Timur
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​Kurang mobil, sampah bertebaran di Jakarta Timur

- Jul 03, 2015

Jakarta Timur, jumlah warganya berpengaruh banget pada jumlah volume sampahnya. Bayangkan, dalam sehari saja, sampah di kawasan ini mencapai 1.800 ton! Sayangnya, limpahan sampah ini gak bisa ditangani dengan baik. No wonder, kalau jalan-jalan ke sini bisa lihat pemandangan sampah berserakan di pinggiran jalan. Bahkan sempat terjadi kecelakaan akibat air ceceran sampah di Kramatjati beberapa […]

Pohon peneduh meranggas di Gambir
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Pohon peneduh meranggas di Gambir

- Jul 01, 2015

Pohon peneduh yang ditanam untuk membantu atasi musim kemarau, malah meranggas mati duluan. Puluhan pohon yang ditanam sebagai pembatas pinggir kali di Jalan Inspeksi Pos Duri, Gambir, Jakarta Pusat ini mengering dan daunnya berjatuhan.

​TPS ditutup, sampah menumpuk
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​TPS ditutup, sampah menumpuk

- Jun 10, 2015

Walaupun Tempat Pembuangan Sampah (TPS) Kelapa Dua Wetan, Ciracas, Jakarta Timur sudah ditutup sejak 1 Juni kemarin, tapi masih saja ada yang membuang sampah ke lokasi ini. Tumpukan sampah menumpuk di tepi tembok dan jalan raya. Bahkan ada juga yang melempar sampah hingga melewati tembok setinggi 1,5 meter yang kini menutup area bekas TPS.

​Keluhan bau dari got Poncol: gak cuma sampah, ada juga limbah
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​Keluhan bau dari got Poncol: gak cuma sampah, ada juga limbah

- May 13, 2015

Bau busuk dan anyir melingkupi kawasan Poncol, Ciracas, Jakarta Utara. Diduga berasal dari produksi rumah makan cepat saji Hoka-Hoka Bento, warga mengeluhkan polusi udara dan air yang meruap dari got yang melintasi pemukiman warga. Kondisi air kali kecil ini berwarna gelap seperti umumnya badan air di kota Jakarta, dengan bau menusuk dan lemak daging ayam […]

Waduh! Some veggies are going up in price by a 100% thanks to the drought
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Waduh! Some veggies are going up in price by a 100% thanks to the drought

- Nov 10, 2014

The drought has much more negative consequences than just making us want to siesta everyday when the sun’s at its hottest. The lack of water has driven up vegetable prices in some Bali markets as much as an astounding 100%, reports Tribun Bali.  I Ketut Rebek, a vendor in Sanglah Market said prices have increased […]

Huge Haul: arrest made in Bali over 100kg of manta ray gills
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Huge Haul: arrest made in Bali over 100kg of manta ray gills

- Nov 10, 2014

More than 100 kilograms of illicit manta ray gills were hauled in by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KPP) yesterday.  In Indonesia, manta rays are protected by the state, so fishing them is illegal. Gills of manta rays are commonly illegally used for traditional drugs, because they are believed to contain certain medicinal properties, but […]

Bali’s Mt. Agung has been getting scorched by wildfire since Saturday
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Bali’s Mt. Agung has been getting scorched by wildfire since Saturday

- Nov 07, 2014

A blazing forest fire has been reportedly scorching the slopes of Mt. Agung, Bali’s highest volcano in Karangasem, East Bali since Saturday. Initially covering 15 hectares, the fire has continued to expand.  Ida Bagus Arimbawa, Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency, said the wildfire also hit the Abang and Kubu districts. Firefighters have attempted […]

Bali Sharks to the Rescue: a feel good sharks tale
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Bali Sharks to the Rescue: a feel good sharks tale

- Nov 04, 2014

It was the beginning of an unconventional sort of ‘catch and release’ tale on Saturday for two sharks found off of Sanur’s Metasari beach. The sharks, netted by fishermen were allegedly rescued and put in “shark rehabilitation,” a surprisingly eco-conscious move at a time when sharks are often killed off in a flash by fishermen. […]

‘Sea Sand Thief’ caught sandy-handed
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‘Sea Sand Thief’ caught sandy-handed

- Oct 28, 2014

In Bali, some steal money from ATMs, while others camera equipment, but some thieves go big and go for sand. A “sea sand thief” was fined IDR5 million (USD411) in Jembrana, western Bali.  In true Bali-style, he also had to partake in an “apology ceremony” in some temples where he confessed his crime to the […]

Poo Paper: upcycling at Bali Safari & Marine Park
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Poo Paper: upcycling at Bali Safari & Marine Park

- Oct 27, 2014

Yup, it’s exactly what it sounds like. Bali Safari and Marine Park in addition to bringing you the opportunity to ride elephants now lets you pick up a “special” type of paper from the gift shop.  Material for the paper is taken from the poo of Bali Safari’s four-legged residents including zebras, elephants, giraffes and […]