‘Tom & Jerry’ public enemy no. 1: Tribun Bali is asking you to weigh in
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‘Tom & Jerry’ public enemy no. 1: Tribun Bali is asking you to weigh in

- Oct 15, 2014

Violent video games like “Doom” and movies like “The Matrix” have a bad rep for negatively influencing our kids, and understandably with all the fighting going on. But, are cartoons like Tom & Jerry, the classic cat and mouse spoof really endangering the children?  Officials in Jakarta seem to think so. We remember when some […]

Cricket legend’s ex works it in Bali
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Cricket legend’s ex works it in Bali

- Oct 06, 2014

They say that the best revenge when getting out of a relationship is moving on. Whoever looks the happiest and the hottest wins.  This is no problem for Aussie cricket star Shane Warne’s ex-wife Simone Callahan, who just posted a flattering and enviable pic of herself in Bali to Instagram. The post features Callahan’s slender […]

Jakarta governor with common touch triumphs in Indonesia elections
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Jakarta governor with common touch triumphs in Indonesia elections

- Sep 22, 2014

In a symbolic victory against Indonesia’s military “corruptocrat” old guard, self-made and straight-talking Joko Widodo will now lead Southeast Asia’s largest country. Read our letter from Jakarta by Anand Mathai on elections in the world’s third-largest democracy, and stay tuned for more Coconuts coverage of Indonesia. LETTER FROM JAKARTA – The official results of Indonesia’s bitterly contested presidential election were […]