Noor Ellis says she was ‘possessed by an evil entity when she ordered the hit on her husband’
The wife of murdered businessman Robert Ellis apparently confessed to her sons that she ordered the hit on her father, saying she felt possessed by an “evil entity,” reports The West Australian.
The conversation reportedly took place with son Peter, 22, in Noor Ellis’ cell in Denpasar police headquarters, when she was waiting to be charged over her husband’s murder.
In an exclusive with The Weekend West, Peter and brother John, 19, expressed their understandable distraught over dealing with their mom, Julaikah Noor Aini aka Noor Ellis, and what she allegedly did to their father.
“In short, she said she had paid the maid to organize it,” said John, as quoted by The West Australian.
She reportedly also later told Peter she was “sorry that this all happened, and something had possessed her to do it”.
Noor Ellis’ confession to her sons make her confession two weeks ago a bit dubious that she only wanted to scare her husband, not kill him.
Her husband’s body was discovered in a grisly state on October 21 in a rice paddy ditch with the throat slashed, wrapped in plastic.
The two Perth-based sons say they felt a “dark fog” hanging over them as they try to cope with their father’s death and their mother’s connection to it all.
“At this point I wish something else had happened because right now it’s like we have now lost both our parents,” John said. “The situation both my brother and I now find ourselves in is shocking.
“There is literally nothing worse that could have had possibly happened.”
“If my father had passed away by another cause, the three of us – Mum, Peter and me – could have been together as a family,” John said.
“But with our mother in a prison and our father dead, this whole issue became incredibly distressing and incredibly complex.
“We are not sure what will happen in the days and weeks ahead.
“Will our mother be formally charged with murder?
“What will happen to our dad’s significant business interests?
“What will happen to us and our future?
“Who do we trust and believe?
“All we really want at this moment is for truth as to what really happened and why,” John said.
“We are potentially facing the loss of both our parents within weeks of each other, but we will accept what happens from here on, just as long as our father’s death was not in vain and we can get transparency and resolution, and then closure.”
Peter and John have previously said that they felt their father’s murder investigation was being handled questionably.
Source: The West Australian
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