Yacht goes down off Bali’s eastern coast

May 23, 2016

The Cempaka Putri, GT 10, a small private yacht has set its last sail. The boat carrying seven people sunk in the waters around Kubu Kubu District, Karangasem in eastern Bali on Sunday morning, reported the Tribun Bali

Fortunately, the one passenger, German citizen Mahfred Weber, 40, and six Indonesian crew members were able to evacuate in time to Denpasar, so there were no casualties lost at sea.

The yacht was on its way to Jakarta from Serangan island off of Denpasar when it started taking in water due to a leaky hull, said AKP Made Wartama, Karangasem police. Once the water starting coming in, the influx happened pretty quickly. It was the directorate of Baliā€™s water police that evacuated the seven from the boat, said Wartama. 

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