Ready for Rain in East Bali: villagers walk 5K to get water

May 23, 2016

Rainy season cannot come soon enough for the villagers of Kerta Buana Bebandem districts, Karangasem in east Bali. Due to severe water shortages in the area, residents have been forced to walk five kilometers just to get water. 

Water taps have died, river water in the wells are dry and it hasn’t been raining, explained Wayan Duana, a resident of Kerta Buana, to Berita Bali

Duana says it’s obviously much more difficult for the villagers who don’t have motorbikes. Those who are unlucky and can’t drive to the water must walk carrying buckets back and forth. Priority is given to the cattle and pigs for drinking water over showering in times like these, he explained. 

Village Council Chairman (BPD) Ketut Sulendra acknowledges that most of his residents are farmers so there’s definitely a strong demand for water among them. According to Sulendra, there is still no definitive answer to this water crisis and an extended dry season has been a limiting factor for water supply. 

Director of PDAM Karangasem, I Gede Baktiasa, publicly apologized for the water shortages and in part attributed the water problem to plumbing issues, calling the main pipe outdated. Baktiasa said claims he’s working on the issue and will get the water flowing soon. 

In the meantime, get those rain dances started to bring on the rainy season. 

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